Tennis Ball ئاپەکان

Twitch Check 1.3
Tennis Ball
Twitch Check is simple tool for twitchviewers. All you need to do is simply add your favourites streams.No need to be logged in your twitch account!Fast, reliable, easy way to check your streamers :)When your favourite streams are set, all you need to do is pressrefresh button, and you will immediately see whether streamer isonline or not.You can also watch the stream with clicking on your chosenstream.With easy longpress you can edit or delete chosen stream.
Sterakdary Stream 2.0
Tennis Ball
Jednoduchá aplikácia, ktorá ti pomôže prísť nastream včas :)A simple application thatwill help you to come on stream in time :)
Bigguns007 Stream 1.0
Tennis Ball
Jednoduchá aplikácia, ktorá ti ukáže čiBigguns práve teraz streamuje! :)A simple application thatshow you or Bigguns just now streaming! :)
League Builder BETA
Tennis Ball
League Builder BETA is a beta versionforupcoming tool for every player of League of Legends (shortlylol).We are getting closer to alpha version. Here is a littlelookinside in the future of this application :-Masteries-All items-Reconstruction of layout in saving partAlpha version will be released in next weeks until then youcanhelp us improve via you very much for your support!Update with new League of Legends databases are coming onedayafter League of Legends update is released.League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battlearenavideo game developed and published by Riot Games.